Mobile phone application for pest identification in Northwest Cambodia

Cambodian farmers had experienced decrease in production yield due to crop infestation, worsened by improper pest management. In 2016, an image-rich mobile phone application was developed as an alternative method in extending pest management education among mungbean farmers and farmer communities. The Pest ID app provided its users a “photo dictionary” containing pest management information applicable to the local context. This app is offered in Khmer and English.

A 2018 study of Hinchcliffe et al. evaluated the feasibility of this mobile application among its potential users in the Aek Phnum District in Battambang Province. Findings revealed that the app was well received by farmers, seeing its potential to support crop management decisions. Respondents has also recommended an inclusion of voice-over option to complement the information database available in the mobile app.

To know more about the study, you can access the full-text here.