Participatory Communication Plan
A Communication Framework for Family Farming and the UNDFF
The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF 2019-2028) aims to unleash the potential of family farmers as key agents of change to transform food systems in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ComDev Asia (CDA) members have adopted family farming and the UNDFF as a main priority following three main lines of actions that provide a common framework for Participatory Communication Plan steered by the CDA initiatve. A fourth dimension is associated with the public awareness and the outreach in relation to priorities in the field of communication for development and family farming.

ComDev Asia Participatory Communication Plan (PCP)
The PCP for Asia and the Pacific involves global, regional and local farmers’ organizations (e.g. World Rural Forum, AFA, and SEWA), FAO decentralized offices in the region, IFAD, networks of community media and specialized entities such as Digital Green, AMARC Asia-Pacific, and other allies. ComDev Asia PCP follows the objectives of the initiatives according to its three (3) main lines of action: a) awareness-raising and engagement; b) rural communication services; and c) communication capacity of family farmers and their organizations. To make the PCP operational, three working groups (WGs) have been initiated. The WGs include institution members of the CDA Steering Committe as well as institutions and organizations interested in partnering and supporting the different activities of the PCP. Below is a summary of the main activities being promoted as part of the ComDev Asia Participatory Communication Plan.

Participatory Communication
- Content management of the ComDev Asia website, Facebook page, and Twitter
- Communication campaign on Advancing Resilient Family Farming beyond Covid19
Rural Communication Services (RCS)
- Mapping of community radios involved in family farming and sustainable rural development in Asia and the Pacific
- Creation of a network of communication focal points of family farmers organizations
- Publication of study and articles on RCS
- Technical assistance in communication to selected field projects related to family farming
Communication capacity of family farmers and their organizations
- Design of a community of practice on communication for development (ComDev) at the global level
- Survey on assessment of training needs by producers’ organizations
- Design of an introductory training module on ComDev for POs (using already available materials)
- Preparation and running of a regional training for POs