AMARC AP released PSA guidelines for CR campaign against COVID-19
AMARC Asia Pacific launches the “Community Radio Campaign against COVID-19” to complement the initiatives of community radios across the region. As part of this campaign, AMARC-AP has released guidelines in writing Public Service Announcement (PSA) to promote awareness and disseminate credible information about COVID-19 to the public.
The Campaign website has made available scripts of public service announcements (PSA) that can be translated and broadcast by local broadcasters. Two types of messages are available: (1) general PSA scripts – do’s and don’ts of COVID-19 and (2) PSA scripts for the vulnerable audience. The Campaign website also includes resource materials nd links to sources of reliable information about the COVID-19 pandemic.
AMARC Asia-Pacific is the regional autonomous chapter of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC International). AMARC Asia-Pacific is constituted by the members of AMARC from countries in the Asia-Pacific region. It aims to promote social justice and sustainable, democratic and participatory human development.
For sample PSA scripts, click here.