AMARC AP released PSA guidelines for CR campaign against COVID-19

AMARC AP released PSA guidelines for CR campaign against COVID-19

AMARC Asia Pacific launches the “Community Radio Campaign against COVID-19” to complement the initiatives of community radios across the region. As part of this campaign, AMARC-AP has released guidelines in writing Public Service Announcement (PSA) to promote awareness and disseminate credible information about COVID-19 to the public. The Campaign website has made available scripts of… Read More

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COVID-19: How Community Radios Broadcasting Coronavirus Education

To respond to the growing COVID-19 problem, eighteen Bangladeshi Community Radio Broadcasters have started broadcasting a program on Coronavirus Education. The program focuses on rural people and the precautionary measures needed to prevent infection. Bangladesh’s Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) has been mobilizing all community radios towards setting their programming to promote awareness on… Read More

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Family Farming orgs urged to voice out concerns amid COVID-19 crisis

The World Rural Forum (WRF) calls on family farming organizations, National Committees of Family Farming and other dialogue platforms to collect, share and give voice to the proposals and emergency measures to ensure that family farming continues to play the role guaranteeing the food safety during this time of crisis caused by COVID-19. WRF is… Read More

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Digital Green's COVID-19 Response

Farmers face growing threats to their health and agricultural productivity while taking care of themselves and feeding the world. This is why building social networks with farmers that enable them to share knowledge with one another. This helps them connect with markets in a digitally connected world that can continue to function in the current… Read More

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AFA calls on governments to support family farmers as Covid-19 Frontliners

The Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA) calls on governments and development partners to support family farmers as frontliners in the fight to eradicate COVID-19. “Our organizations and cooperatives can strengthen our/family farmers’ capacities to play our utmost role in providing food and nutrition security to our fellow citizens. However, we remain challenged to upscale our local… Read More

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PH farmer groups recommends family farming to continue amidst COVID-19 crisis

Recognizing farmers and fisher folks as front liners in the battle against Covid-19 pandemic, farmer organizations in the Philippines initiated a campaign called “Bayanihan sa Agrikultura laban sa COVID-19” to shed light concerning on food security and to push recommendations in the midst of the prevailing Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in the country. One of… Read More

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Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook

Today more than ever smallholders and rural communities require access to information and communication to make their voices heard and change their lives for the better. Communication for Development facilitates dialogue and collaborative action, combining participatory methods with communication tools ranging from community media to ICTs. The Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook provides communication practitioners,… Read More

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