Resilient Family Farming

Application for the Innovation Challenge on Sustainable Agri Mech & FFS extended until July 10

Due to high demand, the application for the Global Innovation Challenge on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) and Farmer Field Schools (FFS) for small-scale producers is extended until 10 July 2024. Spearheaded by the  Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) and the Office of Innovation (OIN) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations… Read More

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Call for Submission for the Innovation Award on Farmer Field Schools

The Global farmer field schools platform in FAO’s Office of Innovation is excited to announce the launch of the Innovation award on farmer field schools for sustainable agrifood systems! This award will help collect, celebrate and share impactful innovations in the implementation of FFS in support of transition towards sustainable agrifood systems, including through agroecology. Who Can Apply? Anyone… Read More

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Fisherfolks' plights highlighted in Rural Radio Initiative episode from Indonesia

There is a need for enabling policies to support fisherfolks and family farmers. This was articulated in a Rural Radio Initiative episode from Indonesia. The episode, which aired in Jaringan Radio Komunitas untuk Demokrasi (JRDem), showcased the experiences and plights of crab fisher Zainal Arifin, who hails from from Lamongan, East Java province. Various factors… Read More

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A call for higher financial support for Family Farmers towards sustainable agrifood systems and climate change adaptation

Family farmers are the unsung heroes of the global food system. They produce over a third of the world’s food and are key to climate adaptation. Yet  new analysis of international public climate flows by Climate Focus, on behalf of family farming networks representing over 35 million family farmers in Africa, Latin America, Asia and… Read More

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Family Farms as essential component of future food systems

Thought leaders believe that ensuring family/small scale farms will thrive is a good investment for the future, particularly in sustainable food systems. Smallholder family farmers are doing a great job of feeding us. They are highly efficient with respect to returns on capital, their labour force is flexible, and they adapt their output quickly to… Read More

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Global Forum of the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019–2028 begins

FAO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) are co-organising the Global Forum of the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF), which is being held virtually from 19-22 September. It is an opportunity to hear from different actors and hold discussions to identify priority policies and technical areas that will shape the UNDFF agenda for the… Read More

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Afghan Smallholder Farmers Affected by Drought, Earthquake to Receive Assistance

Afghan small holder farmers are expected to receive further assistance after the devastating earthquake and intense drought that hit the country. According to FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the Japan government will provide USD 14 million contribution to over half million Afghan people ni cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) This financial… Read More

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Enhancing RCS Effectivity through Youth Participation in the Philippines

The issue of logistics in agricultural extension work, where officers have to back and forth from their office to the farms they are working with, is a common issue in the sector. Even with the existence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) like mobile phones, which are expected to make the extension work efficiently, there… Read More

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Twitter as an Information Service System for Rural Communities in Sri Lanka

Farmers have widely used mobile-based information service systems to address challenges they face and keep up with the latest developments in the sector. The study of Wijerathna et al. (2020) provides another perspective on how Twitter, a mainstream online microblogging platform, can serve as a Short Message Service (SMS) system for rural communities in the… Read More

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