Guien Garma

Fisherfolks' plights highlighted in Rural Radio Initiative episode from Indonesia

There is a need for enabling policies to support fisherfolks and family farmers. This was articulated in a Rural Radio Initiative episode from Indonesia. The episode, which aired in Jaringan Radio Komunitas untuk Demokrasi (JRDem), showcased the experiences and plights of crab fisher Zainal Arifin, who hails from from Lamongan, East Java province. Various factors… Read More

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Importance of communication in family farming stressed in FAO seminar

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently hosted a technical seminar on Rural Communication Services (RCS) and Inclusive Innovation Approaches for Family Farming on 29 April 2024. The hybrid seminar was held at the Ethiopia Room at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, and was attended by a diverse group of… Read More

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Asian women in agriculture to reap grants from int’l bank

Asian women from rural communities in India, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines will enjoy access to more funding, agricultural trainings, and technology as multinational investment and financial services company Deutsche Bank (DB) devotes its corporate social responsibility efforts to their agriculture sector through partnerships with various non-government organizations. Biodigesters in India DB is offering financial… Read More

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FAO hosts technical seminar on RCS and inclusive innovation approaches for family farming

In a bid to propel the role of communication for family farming into the spotlight, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is set to host the technical seminar Rural Communication Services (RCS) and Inclusive Innovation Approaches for Family Farming on 29 April 2024 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. This seminar comes as part of… Read More

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Challenges youth farmers face discussed in Rural Radio Initiative episode from PH

In the Philippines, fewer and fewer students choose to enroll in agriculture-related degree programs.  This is what Junneil Obusan, a young farmer leader from the Camarines Norte Federation of Cooperatives (CANOFECO) shares with Roger and TL, hosts of a program episode from the Rural Radio Initiative 2023 in the Philippines. This episode is the 4th… Read More

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Role of women in agri highlighted in PH radio initiative episode

In celebration of International Women’s Day on 08 March, and National Women’s Month in the Philippines, let us take a listen to a radio episode about women in agriculture. Daryl Leyesa of rural women’s group Pambansang Koalisyon ng Kababaihan sa Kanayunan (PKKK) revealed in an episode of Makamundong Usapan (Earth-Friendly Conversations), which aired on local… Read More

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Production of nutritious food emphasized in CGIAR Executive Managing Director's meet with PH president

The production of nutritious rice and vegetable varieties and livestock was given emphasis in the courtesy call to the Philippine presidential palace of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Executive Managing Director Dr. Ismahane Elouafi. Dr. Elouafi met with Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. last 23 February 2024. She was accompanied by officials… Read More

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Impact of digital agri project in Liliw, Philippines assessed

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Studies and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) has recently conducted an assessment on the impact of one of its digital agriculture projects in Liliw, Laguna, Philippines. The project was conducted together with AppGeese, Inc. Liliw Upland Farmers Marketing Cooperative (LUFAMCO) was part of the piloting of the AgriEx app.… Read More

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Food insecurity in Central Asia decreasing - FAO report

Food insecurity in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan) is now declining, according to a report recently released by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The Europe and Central Asia – Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023 report says that the prevalence of undernutrition (PoU) in Central Asia has decreased from 3.2 percent… Read More

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FAO, Digital Green, UPLB CDC release Participatory Video guide

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Digital Green, and the University of the Philippines Los Baños College of Development Communication (UPLB CDC) have released recently Participatory video in agrifood systems and digital environments: A practitioner’s guide. The guide presents a step-by-step process in participatory video (PV) pre-production, production, post-production and editing, and monitoring and evaluation.… Read More

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