
FAO launches Innovations for and by Family Farmers Video Contest 2024

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is inviting interested individuals and organizations to participate in the 2024 Innovation for and by family farmers video contest. The videos should illustrate how family farmers can be supported by innovations. These innovations might combine old and new food system practices and organizational processes, using both… Read More

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Call for Submission for the Innovation Award on Farmer Field Schools

The Global farmer field schools platform in FAO’s Office of Innovation is excited to announce the launch of the Innovation award on farmer field schools for sustainable agrifood systems! This award will help collect, celebrate and share impactful innovations in the implementation of FFS in support of transition towards sustainable agrifood systems, including through agroecology. Who Can Apply? Anyone… Read More

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Production of nutritious food emphasized in CGIAR Executive Managing Director's meet with PH president

The production of nutritious rice and vegetable varieties and livestock was given emphasis in the courtesy call to the Philippine presidential palace of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Executive Managing Director Dr. Ismahane Elouafi. Dr. Elouafi met with Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. last 23 February 2024. She was accompanied by officials… Read More

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Impact of digital agri project in Liliw, Philippines assessed

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Studies and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) has recently conducted an assessment on the impact of one of its digital agriculture projects in Liliw, Laguna, Philippines. The project was conducted together with AppGeese, Inc. Liliw Upland Farmers Marketing Cooperative (LUFAMCO) was part of the piloting of the AgriEx app.… Read More

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Thai Farmers Surveyed on New Agricultural Technologies

For developing countries, sustainable farming is an important practice to increase field productivity and economic growth. Using a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework, the study analyzed the decision-making processes of farmers in Northeastern Thailand regarding adoption intention. Dipterocarpus alatus (D. alatus) is a large tree species found only in the Southeast Asian mainland commonly used… Read More

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