FAO, Digital Green, UPLB CDC release Participatory Video guide

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Digital Green, and the University of the Philippines Los Baños College of Development Communication (UPLB CDC) have released recently Participatory video in agrifood systems and digital environments: A practitioner’s guide. The guide presents a step-by-step process in participatory video (PV) pre-production, production, post-production and editing, and monitoring and evaluation.… Read More

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Community radios continue to ignite change in Asia-Pacific region

ComDev Asia (CDA) spotlights family farming’s impact, while AMARC Asia-Pacific empowers through community radios, amplifying voices for a sustainable future. ComDev Asia’s (CDAs) ongoing initiative aligns Family Farmer Organization (FFOs), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and communication networks to spotlight family farming’s vital role in sustainable food systems. It aims to heighten awareness about the… Read More

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Integrating traditional knowledge to address knowledge gaps in Asia-Pacific

The UN Climate Change, in partnership with UNEP and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), convened different stakeholders to discuss progress, share case studies and highlight concrete actions taken to bridge knowledge gaps in the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) and Pacific Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) subregions during  the 2023 Asia-Pacific Climate Week… Read More

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A call for higher financial support for Family Farmers towards sustainable agrifood systems and climate change adaptation

Family farmers are the unsung heroes of the global food system. They produce over a third of the world’s food and are key to climate adaptation. Yet  new analysis of international public climate flows by Climate Focus, on behalf of family farming networks representing over 35 million family farmers in Africa, Latin America, Asia and… Read More

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FAO to convene Asia-Pacific youth for the World Food Forum 2023

Youth from the Asia-Pacific region are gearing up to make their voices heard and inspire action at the World Food Forum 2023 convened by FAO. The World Food Forum (WFF) is a youth-led movement and network to transform our agrifood systems that is committed to the theme: “Agrifood systems transformation accelerates climate action.” The WFF flagship event… Read More

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Breaking Barriers: Gender Equality, Water and Financial Inclusion in Agrifood Systems in Asia and the Pacific

The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is inviting interested partners, supporters, and women’s organizations to join their hybrid event entitled, “Breaking Barriers: Gender Equality, Water, and Financial Inclusion in Agrifood Systems in Asia and the Pacific”, on 17 October 2023 (11AM ICT). This event aligns with the celebration of the International Day… Read More

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Digital Green develops AI chatbot for farmer advisory service

Digital Green, one of the steering committee members of ComDev Asia, presented a new product that aims to enhance the development of farmer-driven content, research outputs, and policy guidance at scale during the 4th Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok. Thailand,  27-28 September 2023. Farmer.CHAT is a generative Artificial Intelligence… Read More

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Data journalists innovate to inform new audiences about gender inequalities in Kyrgyzstan

In Kyrgyzstan, data journalism is being harnessed as a powerful tool to improve data accessibility and use. A group of young journalists from the School of Data non-governmental organization (NGO) partnered with the popular Kloop Media produced compelling stories based on gender statistics about critical issues, such as women’s political participation, violence against women and girls,… Read More

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Advancing Climate Resiliency through Farmers’ Organizations and Cooperatives Video Contest

The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) together with its partners has launched a video contest to showcase farmers’ resiliency and ingenuity as we highlight their innovative solutions, strategies, and success stories in their fight against climate change. Titled “Advancing Climate Resiliency through Farmers’ Organizations and Cooperatives”, the contest seek to inspire and… Read More

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