RCS Forum 6: Regional Forum on RCS for Family Farming in Asia and the Pacific | 28 June 2022

Home Forums Community of Practice RCS Forum 6: Regional Forum on RCS for Family Farming in Asia and the Pacific | 28 June 2022

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    Zane Cortez

    Welcome to ComDev Asia RCS Community of Practice (CoP)!

    We will be using this forum as our platform to continue the conversation we have started on advancing rural communication services for family farming during the Regional Forum last 28 June 2022. Share your thoughts and insights on the following themes discussed:

    1. How to mainstream RCS in FF national policies and NAPs? 
    2. What are the needs/opportunities for RCS support in connection to NAPs in specific countries? 
    3. What are the possible follow-up activities in relation to the above? 

    As you know, the regional forum, including this CoP, forms part of a consultative process leading to the UNDFF Forum on RCS for Family Farming on 11 July 2022. And so, please post your contributions until 05 July 2022, 5:00 pm (Manila time).

    Edmund Centeno

    Thank you so much, Zane for initiating this RCS Forum 6 discussion.

    Hi, everyone! I am Edmund from the University of the Philippines Los Baños!
    I am very excited to read your thoughts and insights on RCS in FF national policies and NAPs.
    Are you ready?

    Let’s populate this forum with meaningful conversations on RCS.


    Dear All,

    It has been a pleasure to attend the ComDev Asia FOrum on RCS. In relation to question number 1 we learned that there are 2 main patways to mainstream RCS. The first one is to enhance an scale up local experiences collecting evidence on their value, replicability and effectiveness. The second way is to work at the policy level, once again collecting evidence and doing the right brokerage between agrcultural, media and telecomm policies to create an enabling policy environment as well as concrete mechanisms for funding.

    The needs/opportunities for RCS support in connection to NAPs in specific countries are related to the different development ot the national plans of action for family farming and related policies and programme. There are three main levels for intervention: a) Awareness raising on family farming issues in those countries where the NAPs are in the making or at an initial stage. b) Design and implementation of ComDev strategies to support the implementation of the NAPs in countries where these are already in place; and c) Support to the design and institutionalization of inclusive RCS wherever the conditions allow.

    The possible follow-up activities in relation to the RCS initiatives are mainly related to enhanci ComDev asia and its annual participatory communication plan cARRYING FORWARD its implementation also IN SELECTED COUNTRIES WHERE CONDIGTIONS ALLOW,

    Nathan Felix

    Good afternoon!

    I am Nathan, a communications specialist from the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and a youth representative of SEARCA Young Forces for Agricultural Innovation (#Y4AGRI). I attended the regional forum via Facebook last Wednesday.

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