- July 27, 2024Jennifer Kelly, a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) owner of Jedom Organic Fruits in Guadalcanal Province, shared her challenges and…
- July 27, 2024This episode highlights the experience of Mr. James Hagi, the lead farmer from a farmer's group in West Kwara’ae, Malaita…
- July 27, 2024This episode features Gabby, a farmer from Pokilo Village, Savo Island, who shares his engagement with KGA (Kastom Gaden Association)…
- July 27, 2024This radio program is about the experience of Agnes, who was interviewed and shares her challenges and success stories. Ms.…
- July 27, 2024This radio program aims to share vital information with the remote areas of the Solomon Islands. We discussed the importance…
- July 27, 2024This program is about the pivotal role of soil biology and biodiversity in the maintenance and regeneration of soil fertility.…
- July 27, 2024This program discusses soil fertility. Sol-Agro specializes in the trading of ngali nuts, a very tasty indigenous nut from the…
- July 27, 2024This episode is about the importance of family farming for financial sustainability and the role of family farming organizations. The…