Solomon Islands

Community broadcasters at the crossroads of western and Pacific development ideologies -- study

A study about community radio in the South Pacific Islands argues that community radio is on the crossroads of Western development theories and ideas, and the cultural sensibilities about development of the Pacific Islanders themselves. Linda Susan Austin’s thesis, titled Talanoa Radio: Exploring the Interface of Development, Culture and Community Radio in the South Pacific,… Read More

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Strengthening the pathways to improve Solomon Islands' food system

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the University of Wollongong in Australia conducted a study to assess the current food system of Solomon Islands in the Pacific. Based on consultations and analysis, the report highlighted three main pathways to strengthen the food systems in this island nation, that include: (1) strengthening and connecting rural… Read More

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PHOTO: Boeboe community members add markers for local and traditonal ecological knowledge to the relief model of their village. Photo from J. X. Leon et al.(

A 2015 case study by Leon, Hardcastle, James, Albert, Kreseka and Woodroffe reported on the use of participatory three-dimensional modelling (P3DM) in Boeboe village, Solomon Islands. The study documented the incorporation of local and traditional knowledge with scientific data of coastal hazards to inform decision-making and management. BoeBoe village, like other coastal communities in the… Read More

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