
Enhancing RCS Effectivity through Youth Participation in the Philippines

The issue of logistics in agricultural extension work, where officers have to back and forth from their office to the farms they are working with, is a common issue in the sector. Even with the existence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) like mobile phones, which are expected to make the extension work efficiently, there… Read More

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Twitter as an Information Service System for Rural Communities in Sri Lanka

Farmers have widely used mobile-based information service systems to address challenges they face and keep up with the latest developments in the sector. The study of Wijerathna et al. (2020) provides another perspective on how Twitter, a mainstream online microblogging platform, can serve as a Short Message Service (SMS) system for rural communities in the… Read More

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UN Decade of Family Farming: Progress Made in the Asia & Pacific Region

In Asia Pacific Region, three countries have approved their Family Farming NAP as part of the UNDFF: Indonesia, Nepal and The Philippines. Furthermore, starting from 2021, Bangladesh has also been taken significant steps towards the development of the NAP, whereas in India, Laos, Cambodia and Japan progress is being made in mobilising actors to implement… Read More

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UNDFF Regional Action Plan for strengthening family farming in South Asia 2021–2028

This Regional Action Plan aims at facilitating and accelerating the process of developing national action plans through inclusive multi-stakeholder processes, not only putting family farmers at the centre but recognizing them as critical partners. The consultation was attended by 75+ representatives from SAARC member states, farmers’ organizations and cooperatives. The event was very successful. Five… Read More

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Advancing Rural Communication Services in Family Farming in the Asia Pacific Region

The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF, 2019-2028) aims to unleash the potential of family farmers as ‘key agents of change’ to transform food systems in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. This is guided by a Global Action Plan (GAP) under which Pillar 4 calls for improved communication and ICT capacities, Rural… Read More

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Bangladesh: Desk Study of Extension and Advisory Services

In an effort to raise incomes and increase resilience of smallholder farmers and their families in Feed the Future countries, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded the Developing Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) project. This project is led by Digital Green in partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), CARE International… Read More

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ICT4AG Handbook

This handbook gives an overview of a broad range of technologies and can be useful for professionals engaged in agriculture extension, organizations working with smallholder farmers, implementors, donors and other public sector partners. Those interested in the use ICTs for development may also find the content relevant. Though this handbook is particularly aimed at agricultural… Read More

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Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook

Today more than ever smallholders and rural communities require access to information and communication to make their voices heard and change their lives for the better. Communication for Development facilitates dialogue and collaborative action, combining participatory methods with communication tools ranging from community media to ICTs. The Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook provides communication practitioners,… Read More

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FAO Work on Family Farming

Family farming is by far the most prevalent form of agriculture both in developed and developing countries, representing the largest source of employment worldwide. It is much more than a mode of food production. It is a way of life. In 2014, the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF 2014) focused the world’s attention on… Read More

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