e-Krishok: A 360-degree ICT- enabled solution to empower farmers in Bangladesh

e-Krishok: A 360-degree ICT- enabled solution to empower farmers in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Institute for ICT in Development (BIID) service basket, e-Krishok is the concept of integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a 360-degree solution in agriculture: from pre-production to post-production levels.  BIID’s e-Krishok provides a 360-degree solution in agriculture which includes extension to market linkage to information to online trading. BIID’s flagship initiative consisting of different service components such as the information repository (www.ekrishok.com) including fact sheets, short code 16250, Info Centre (Batighor), www. extension.org (the knowledge-sharing platform) as well as the Market Linkage Program (MLP) and Crop Insurance.

When BIID launched the e-Krishok service in Baira bazaar as well as in different parts of Bangladesh, farmers are skeptical about BIID activities as they were ignorant about ICT technology. But the success of e-Krishok members boosted their interest. Now, other farmers have started to understand the power of modern ICT technology. They also understand that proper information at the right time can save them from potential losses, increase their productivity and profit. Farmers, as well extension agents, are beginning to realize that through proper planning and a smart approach, traditional farming can be turned into successful business enterprises.

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