Rural Communication Services: A Key for Agricultural Development in Bangladesh

Rural Communication Services: A Key for Agricultural Development in Bangladesh

In remote segments of Bangladesh, agriculture has been the core of development. Farming is considered as a major contributor in promoting food security, especially in isolated areas. Subsistence farming is very prominent in rural areas of Bangladesh. This is where farming is done solely for the farmers’ needs; leaving little to no stocks for market. However, as development progresses, there has been a shift from subsistence farming to market-oriented commercial farming.

With the transition, specific groups of people require specific communication needs and capacities for innovation, management, and finance. Furthermore, new opportunities brought by the shift need to be properly communicated to rural people so they can maximize the benefits offered by government and non-government services.

Having said this, Rural Communication Services (RCS) approach has been considered as the main driver to provide sufficient knowledge and information to rural people. This initiative will help promote participatory development / community mobilization by disseminating relevant and significant information regarding the newly adapted form of farming. Also, this will boost and facilitate agricultural development in rural Bangladesh. The utilization of RCS encourages knowledge sharing and enrichment between groups of people in rural areas of the country.

Reference: Hassan, Mohummad. (2018). Rural Communication Services (RCS), an Approach to Development Communication in Bangladesh Context: A Conceptual Exploration.

Photo Reference: Loes Witteveen (

Article contributed by Vincent Allen Fernandez, ComDev Asia intern

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