International Web Consultation and Conference on FFPO Resilience

The Asian Farmers’ Association For Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) cordially invites forest and farm producer organizations (FFPO) to attend the international web consultation and conference on 9th of June 2020, 9:00–13:00 (UTC +02:00). With the theme, “Multidimensional Resilience Smallholder Producers and Farmers Managing Risks”, this web conference aims to gain a clearer understanding and awareness in FFPO resilience; to provide recommendations; to exchange best practices; and formulate common policies to promote pathways to resilience focusing on climate change and COVID-19 response. The event is hosted by Food and Forest Development Finland (FFD), AgriCord, FAO, and the Forest and Farm Facility, in collaboration with AFA and PAFO.

To register, click here.