UNDFF CDA to Launch Campaign Promoting the Role of Family Farmers to Sustainable Food Systems
ComDev Asia (CDA), a regional initiative that promotes Communication for Development (ComDev) in the Asia-Pacific, will launch its awareness campaign for family farmers on 13 July 2021, 5PM (Manila Time).
With the theme, Family Farming at the Heart of Sustainable Food Systems, this campaign initiative aims to inform both family farmers and the general public about the contribution of family farming to sustainable food systems and the progress of the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF), giving voice to farmers and their organizations. Last year, CDA also launched a campaign on resilient family farming as part of the UNDFF.
The campaign launch will take place via Zoom and will be streamed live on the ComDev Asia website and Facebook page. Join us as we promote the role of Asian family farmers in achieving sustainable food systems!
Zoom Link: https://up-edu.zoom.us/j/2559098547?pwd=RWFXZS9qek1rYjUwazBLV1RpODF5UT09
Meeting ID: 255 909 8547
Password: ComDevAsia