On 29 June 2022, FAO and IFAD, in their capacity of joint secretariat of the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) have organized a virtual Regional Dialogue on Family Farming in Asia and the Pacific: Leveraging the role of family farming towards more inclusive and resilient food systems in response to crises. This was supported by an informal preparatory group representing Family Farmers’ Organizations and regional rural development NGOs: the Asia Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), La Via Campesina, the Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON) and the Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA).
It was attended by over 180 participants from 30 countries. Most participants came from the Asia Pacific Region (from Pakistan to Cook Islands, including Mongolia, Japan, Fiji), representing a very large part of the Family Farmers Organizations (FFOs) of the region and with the participation of senior officials from Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Timor Leste and SAARC Agriculture Center. Some participants came also from Africa and Europe, representing large Family Farming Organizations and Networks. Overall, nearly 60% of the participants were from Family Farming Organizations or CSOs supporting Family Farming, and about 15% from governments or national research institutions and academia.
Simultaneous translation in Bahasa, Bengali, Chinese, Khmer and Nepali was provided in order to enable meaningful participation of representatives of family farming organizations and local CSOs. The dialogue was very rich and offered a good overview of some of the important initiatives that have been implemented in the region over the past 3 years, with often Family Farmers and their organizations at the core of the process.
The first session of the event on ‘Stocktaking of 3 years of UNDFF in Asia Pacific’, showcased excellent examples on how to progress with the development of National Action Plans, while the technical sessions on “Contribution of Family Farmers Organization to sustainable and climate resilient food systems”, on “Fostering the inclusion of rural youth” and on “ Building the capacities of Family Farmers Organization and ensuring effective participation through appropriate financing and implementation modalities” highlighted important and viable initiatives by family farmers and their organizations contributing to sustainable agro-food systems.
The event also reminded us that the current context is more challenging than ever for family farmers, calling for different and holistic approaches to sustainably transform our agri-food systems. As mentioned by Marcela Villarreal, Director of the Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division at FAO HQ, “the multiple crises the world is currently facing offer the occasion for a joint and sincere reflection aimed at finding the most appropriate solutions to strengthen and re-build resilience, based on sustainability and inclusivity and to leverage local producers to offer solutions in complex and challenging times”.
The main outcomes of the discussion will be systematized and reported in the framework of the Global Forum of the UN Decade of Family Farming, organized by FAO and IFAD on 19-22 September 2022, as part of the technical discussions linked to the seven Pillars of work of the UNDFF Global Action Plan.
Watch it here:
Session 1. Opening
Moderator: Mr. Pierre Ferrand, FAO RAP
Opening Remarks: Ms. Marcela Villarreal, Director, Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division, FAO
Welcoming remarks:
- Mr. Takayuki Hagiwara, FAO RAP Regional Program Leader (5’)
- Mr. Hubert Boirard, Country Director, Asia & Pacific Division and Grant Manager of FO4A/APFP/ARISE, IFAD (5’)
- Dr. Ir. Andriko Notosusanto, Indonesian National Food Agency (NFA), Representative from Indonesian Government acting as ISC member (5’)
- Mr. Zainal Arifin Fuad, ISC Member on behalf of Farmers Organizations (‘5)
Session 2 – Stock taking of 3 years of UNDFF in Asia Pacific and moving forward
Moderator: Mr. Pierre Ferrand, FAO RAP
The UNDFF: An updated assessment of the results of the first 3 years:
- UNDFF Secretariat, Mr Guilherme Brady, Chief of Unit, Family Farming Engagement and Parliamentary Networks, FAO HQ
The UNDFF in the Region: Development of Regional/National Action Plans on Family Farming and implementation
- Status of RAP & NAP implementation
- Philippines National Action Plan: Dr. Rosana Mula, Director IV, Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Training Institute
- Nepal National Action Plan: Ms Sabnam Shivakoti, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Government of Nepal
- Indonesia National Action Plan: Mrs Rinna Syawal, Indonesian National Food Agency (NFA)
- SAARC Regional Action Plan: Dr. Md. Baktear Hossain, Director, SAARC Agriculture Center (SAC)
- FFOs contribution to the UNDFF implementation:
- Ms. Angela Birch, Program Manager, Pacific Farmer Organisations (PIFON)
- FO and CSO mobilization, challenges, and recommendations: Synthesis from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, and the Philippines
- Ms. Irish Baguilat, Coordinator for UNDFF and Women Farmers’ Agenda, AFA
Focus on Rural Communication Services
- Presentation of ComDev Asia (video)
- Results of the regional RCS process, including findings & evidence, priorities to advance RCS for family farming:
- Mr. Mario Acunzo, ComDev Team Leader, FAO HQ
- Participatory Communication Plan and the upcoming UNDFF regional campaign:
- Dr. Maria Stella C. Tirol, Dean, UPLB College of Development Communication, Philippines & ComDev Asia Regional Facilitator
- Next steps and activities through ComDev Asia:
- Ms. Irish Dominado, KM and Communications Officer, AFA
Session 3 – Technical discussion: Contribution of Family Farmers Organization to sustainable and climate resilient food systems – (Pillar 6)
Moderator: Mr. Daniel Ruiz De Garibay, FAO RAP
Role of Small-scale fishers in adapting to Climate Change
- Role of small-scale fishers in Eastern India in climate change adaptation
- Ms Pooja Moitra, Institute for Motivating Self Employment (IMSE), India
Role of FFOs’ in adapting to Climate Change
- The role of Pacific Farmers Organizations in climate change adaptation:
- Mr. Kyle Stice, Executive Director, Pacific Farmer Organisations (PIFON)
- The role of Southeast Asian Farmers’ Organisation in climate change adaptation:
- Mr. Muhammad Nur, Chairperson of Komunitas Swabina Pedesaan Salassae (KSPS/ Salassae Self-reliant Rural Communities), Indonesia
Session 4 – Technical discussion: Fostering the inclusion of rural youth (Support youth and ensure the generational sustainability of family farming / Pillar 2) –
Moderator: Ms. Anna Korzenszky, FAO HQ
Policy and Capacity Building: Experiences from FFOs
- Policy level :
- Mr. Melissa Alamo, Advocacy officer, PAKISAMA (National Farmers’ Federation), Philippines
- Capacity building of young farmers:
- Mr. Chandra Bahadur Loktam, Communication Officer, Central Tea Cooperative Federation, Nepal
Increasing Employability: Experiences from FFOs
- Lessons In Non-Formal Adult Education for Self Employed in Agriculture:
- Video Tutu Rural Training Center, Fijihttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1_eRiYPbQuxBoK-mgbpUGeiEKfj0sq-Bk/view?usp=sharing
Session 5 – Technical discussion: Building the capacities of Family Farmers Organization and ensuring effective participation through appropriate financing and implementation modalities (Pillar 4)
Moderator: Mr. Alok Kumar, Value Chain and Finance Specialist, IFAD
Experiences from FFOs in the Pacific Region
- The Farmers’ Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, FO4ACP (PIFON, IFAD):
- Ms. Angela Birch, Program Manager, Pacific Farmer Organisations (PIFON)
Experiences from FFOs in Asia Region
- Assuring Resiliency of Family Farmers Amidst COVID-19 (ARISE project):
- Ms. Maria Elena Rebagay, Program Manager, Asian Farmers Association, (AFA)
Experiences from a National FO
- Financial Inclusion of Smallholder Farmers in Bangladesh through Producers’ Organization:
- Sara Bangla Krishok Society (SBKS)
Session 6 - Key findings and the way forward to the Global Forum -
Moderator: Mr. Guilherme Brady, FAO HQ
Recommendations from the consultation processes
- Pan Sopheap, Executive Director, Farmers’ Nature Net on behalf of Farmers’ Organizations
- Ms. Ika Krishnayanti , Indonesia National Committee Family Farming
- Ms Kae Sekine, executive board member of Family Farming Platform Japan, Japanese NCFF
- Ms. Angela Birch, Program Manager, Pacific Farmer Organisations (PIFON)
- Maria Genesis Catindig, AsiaDHRRA
Open forum to highlight key recommendations for scaling up the implementation of the UNDFF in the region
- UNDFF Secretariat / Guilherme Brady, FAO HQ
- Which areas and mechanisms should be strengthened to leverage on the UNDFF to enhance family farmers’ contributions to sustainable agri-food systems in the region?
Closing remarks
- Mr. Hubert Boirard, Country Director, Asia & Pacific Division and Grant Manager of FO4A/APFP/ARISE, IFAD
- Mr. Pierre Ferrand, FAO RAP, UNDFF regional focal point