The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in partnership with various organizations, spearheaded a 5-day vritual training workshop in Participatory Video for Asia and the Pacific last November 2023.
Attended by more than 40 participants from farmers’ organizations (FOs), academe, and advocacy groups, the training aimed to capacitate and encourage them to apply Participatory (PV) as a tool for development to achieve a sustainable agrifood systems and digital environments in the region. Most of the participants came from countries with thriving family farmers that include India, Indonesia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, and the Philippines.
FAO partnered with Digital Green, University of the Philippines Los Baños College of Development Communication (UPLB-CDC), and ComDev Asia to facilitate the training that tackled the Participatory Video (PV) process, PV production phases, sharing mechanisms, including monitoring and evaluation.
Aside from the webinar, a community of practice was established via WhatsApp that will serve as a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and networking among participants and resource persons even after the training.
Prior to Asia, FAO and its partners have successfully conducted a Training of Trainers (ToT) in PV last October 2023. A similar training was also organized for Africa this December and in Latin America early next year.
Digital Green and UPLB-CDC are steering committee members of Comdev Asia, a regional initiative the promotes communication for development in the Asia-Pacific region.