About Us

ComDev Asia (CDA) is a regional initiative that promotes Communication for Development (ComDev) in the Asia-Pacific region. Its purpose is to build ComDev capacities and to support rural communication policies and services in the region.

CDA supports the implementation of a regional Participatory Communication Plan (PCP) within the framework of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF, 2019-2028). It encourages the
use of participatory communication processes and the local appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) to advance family farming, natural resources management, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, food security, gender mainstreaming and agricultural innovation. The initiative is promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

ComDev Asia is intended for communication, development, and community media prac-titioners and professionals as well as for rural institutions, farmers' and producers' organizations to:
share experiences and knowledge resources on communication for resilient familyfarming and related topics;
strengthen communication capacities and facilitate partnerships at regional and country levels; and
give voice to family farmers and their organizations.


Family farmers in the Asia-Pacific are the backbone of food systems and biodiversity management and conservation but they continue to face several economic and social challenges also due to emerging crises such as the COVID pandemic and climate change. ComDev Asia is geared to support resilient family along three priority activities identified in the UNDFF communication framework. These include participatory communication, inclusive rural communication services and policies, and enhanced communication capacities of farmers’ and producers’ organizations.

ComDev Asia Platforms

ComDev Asia includes a web platform (www.comdevasia.org) and social media –Facebook Page (ComDev Asia) and Twitter (@comdevasia2019)– that facilitate a dynamic and interactive community of practice, strengthening collaborations and advocating for the role of communication in agriculture and rural development. The ComDev Asia website is an interactive hub helping institutions and professionals working in the region to connect, share lessons learned, documentimpact, explore new partnership opportunities or strengthen already existing alliances.


On the ComDev Asia website, users can:

  • learn about regional experiences on family farming, rural communication services, and activities of ComDev Asia
  • get news and updates on what’s going on in ComDev in Asia-Pacific
  • access useful resources and multimedia materials to support local initiatives and communication campaigns
  • submit and share stories on resilient family farming and related topics
  • interact with other members of the community