agrifood systems

FAO, ComDev Asia hold Participatory Video Training in Agriculture and Digital Environments for Asia

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in partnership with various organizations, spearheaded a 5-day vritual training workshop in Participatory Video for Asia and the Pacific last November 2023. Attended by more than 40 participants from farmers’ organizations (FOs), academe, and advocacy groups, the training aimed to capacitate and encourage them to apply Participatory (PV)… Read More

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A call for higher financial support for Family Farmers towards sustainable agrifood systems and climate change adaptation

Family farmers are the unsung heroes of the global food system. They produce over a third of the world’s food and are key to climate adaptation. Yet  new analysis of international public climate flows by Climate Focus, on behalf of family farming networks representing over 35 million family farmers in Africa, Latin America, Asia and… Read More

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FAO to convene Asia-Pacific youth for the World Food Forum 2023

Youth from the Asia-Pacific region are gearing up to make their voices heard and inspire action at the World Food Forum 2023 convened by FAO. The World Food Forum (WFF) is a youth-led movement and network to transform our agrifood systems that is committed to the theme: “Agrifood systems transformation accelerates climate action.” The WFF flagship event… Read More

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