Kyrgyzstan and India among finalists in FAO’s Innovations by and for the family farmers Video Contest
Video entries from two Asian countries made to the finals in recently concluded “Innovations by and for the Family Farming Video Contest 2024”. Organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), this contest aimed to share the stories family farmers through audiovisual storytelling and explain the complex interrelationship between the diverse livelihoods of farmers, fishers, pastoralists and others, and their leading role in the generation of resilient and sustainable agrifood systems.
Out of 191 videos from 43 countries, the videos about Agriculture in Family Farming in Kyrgyzstan and the Collective Responsibility in Family Farming in Rural and Urban Connectivity in India. Kyrgyzstan’s video centered on the impact of forming of self-help group and the technical support provided by FAO among women farmers in Chek-Abad. Meanwhile, India’s entry highlighted the importance of collective responsibility in family farming that strengthens rural and urban connectivity, thus bridging the gap between producers and consumers. The video entry titled, “Between beehives and roots, the story of a farming family in northern Chile” won the contest and will be presented at the Global Family Farming Forum in Rome, Italy this coming October.