Timor Leste

UN launched Global Action Plan for Decade of Family Farming

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2019-2028 as the UN Decade of Family Farming. The UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) aims to provide an enabling environment for family farmers to be an enabler of change and development, particularly in their contributions to global food and nutrition security. Through a Global Action Plan, the UNDFF… Read More

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Participatory Theater as a Science Communication Tool in Timor Leste

This study explored the potential of Participatory theater as a tool for disseminating new agricultural knowledge among subsistence farmers in Timor Leste. The aim of the trial was to provide information on improved seed varieties and appropriate agronomic practices to maximize their yield among rural communities where rates of adult illiteracy are high and the… Read More

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Enhancing communications in developing countries using SMS technology in Cambodia

The general objective of the project was to investigate the feasibility and viability of establishing an electronic marketing communication system (EMCS) using SMS technology to facilitate communication and exchange between farmers and traders in remote regions of Cambodia. The key participants in this project were farmers, traders, government agencies and researchers. The EMCS was intended… Read More

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