
Mobile phone application for pest identification in Northwest Cambodia

Cambodian farmers had experienced decrease in production yield due to crop infestation, worsened by improper pest management. In 2016, an image-rich mobile phone application was developed as an alternative method in extending pest management education among mungbean farmers and farmer communities. The Pest ID app provided its users a “photo dictionary” containing pest management information… Read More

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International Web Consultation and Conference on FFPO Resilience

The Asian Farmers’ Association For Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) cordially invites forest and farm producer organizations (FFPO) to attend the international web consultation and conference on 9th of June 2020, 9:00–13:00 (UTC +02:00). With the theme, “Multidimensional Resilience Smallholder Producers and Farmers Managing Risks”, this web conference aims to gain a clearer understanding and awareness… Read More

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CFAP Cambodia's Response to COVID-19

In this article from the World Farmers’ Organization (WFO), Mr. Sok Sotha, Managing Director of Cambodian Association of Agriculture Producers (CFAP), shared the significant impacts of COVID-19 pandemic among local farmers in their country. He also tackled the challenges they’re facing today and how they addressed these concerns. CFAP is now seeking assistance from their… Read More

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Enhancing communications in developing countries using SMS technology in Cambodia

The general objective of the project was to investigate the feasibility and viability of establishing an electronic marketing communication system (EMCS) using SMS technology to facilitate communication and exchange between farmers and traders in remote regions of Cambodia. The key participants in this project were farmers, traders, government agencies and researchers. The EMCS was intended… Read More

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